Choosing an epitaph is a deeply personal decision, one that encapsulates the essence of the loved one you’re honouring. Whether you seek words of love, inspiration, or remembrance, the right epitaph can serve as a lasting tribute. Here, we explore examples across three poignant categories.

Love Epitaphs

Love never ends, and these epitaphs reflect the eternal bond shared with those who have passed.

  1. “Forever in our hearts.”
  2. “Love is eternal.”
  3. “Together forever in love.”
  4. “Loved and remembered every day.”
  5. “In loving memory.”

Inspirational Epitaphs

Inspire those who come to pay their respects with words that speak to the spirit and legacy left behind.

  1. “May my light shine on in all of you.”
  2. “A life measured in deeds, not years.”
  3. “Journeying to new beginnings.”
  4. “Living on in the beauty of the world.”
  5. “An inspiration to all who knew him/her.”

Remembrance Epitaphs

These epitaphs are a tribute to the unforgettable impact the departed have left on our lives.

  1. “Gone from our sight, but never from our memories.”
  2. “Always loved, never forgotten.”
  3. “A heart of gold stopped beating.”
  4. “Till memory fades and life departs, you live forever in our hearts.”
  5. “Your legacy remains.”


Selecting an epitaph is a meaningful part of the memorial process, offering a chance to reflect and celebrate the life of your loved one. These examples serve as a starting point to help you find the perfect words to express your feelings and memories.